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French translation for "sabbas the goth"

sabas le goth
Example Sentences:
1.Sabbas the Goth (Romanian: Sava Gotul, Greek: Σάββας ο Γότθος; died 12 April 372) is a fourth-century Christian martyr and saint.
Saba le Goth (Roumain : Sava Gotul, Grec : Σάββας ο Γότθος; mort le 12 avril 372) est un martyr chrétien du quatrième siècle.
2.Basil was sent the relics of Sabbas the Goth in Caesarea, Cappadocia, in 373 or 374 accompanied by a letter entitled the 'Epistle of the Church of God in Gothia to the Church of God located in Cappadocia and to all the Local Churches of the Holy Universal Church'.
Celles-ci furent transportées à Césarée de Cappadoce en 373 ou 374 accompagnées d’une lettre « les épîtres de l’église de Dieu en Gothie ».
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